Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Thursday :-)

Well ... Its Thursday, the day I look for when the week starts. It simply means that tomorrow is Friday, and finally I'm going to have a day off after 12 hours/day, 6 days/week of working time.

Today, I have called the French Embassy in Bahrain to schedule an appointment for visa application, I would love to visit Spain during December, and the new year's eve in Madrid or Barcelona would be memorable.

Since Spain does not have an Embassy in Bahrain, Unfortunately I would have to approach the French Embassy to apply for visa, my impression about the French Embassy is not that good so far, as I have been trying to schedule an appointment for over three weeks, and whenever I call, they tell me that its still too early for me to apply since the travelling date is mid December; but finally today I managed to schedule the appointment.

The appointment has been scheduled on November 06, by then I should have gathered all the required documents, its really frustrating when you see the amount of paper work required for the visa application which require a full dedicated time and money to collect it; but the story does not end here, I still have got to please the person who will interview me, and leave him with a great impression so that he may approve my application and process the visa rather than trying to find a way to send me back asking for more documents or rejecting my application for any reasons. To be more positive, will do my part and see how it goes; I still have to book the hotels and do a final checks to make sure that everything is under control.

I'm also looking at the option of home-stay rather than hotel/hostel accommodation, this option will give me the opportunity to enjoy the family vibes and talk with the local people, which is totally a new experience for me as I have not experience these feelings before in my previous travels. One more plus is that I will try to practice my Spanish. It would be a pity to spend three weeks in Spain without communicating in Spanish.

Was chatting with Elena yesterday on Skype  and she told me that her brother and his girlfriend are planning to get married before Christmas, so if everything goes well with the visa and travel arrangements I may be able to add Greece to the trip plan and pop up just to say congratulations to the pride couple. Might see Elena and might not, this will depends on whether she would get the job she was offered in Qatar or not. She is still waiting confirmation from her future Employer and such things takes ages in Middle East.

Its time to get back to work and see what the rest of the day will bring me.

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