Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Haste Makes Waste!!!

Everybody is shouting, yelling, screaming, running all over the place, the site offices are very hectic and stressful nowadays. It’s really crazy what’s going on here. It’s difficult to understand what kind of Projects Management is this. I hope all this hassle will come to an end soon (Always had this wish in mind but never come true!!!)

After work yesterday, I met Despoina, my Greek friend in Bahrain, it’s always nice meeting and talking to her, we were talking about our expat’s life and how each one suffers of different kind of problems in the work place. This is the life!!! I totally understand that, the only thing that really bothers me is those people who don’t care and they think that they are the best and whatever they say is a command for the subordinates. I hate to feel myself like a chess piece, to be moved wherever the king wants; but unfortunately I have got no choice at the moment so I have to live it somehow for some time.

The good news of today is that, I had the appointment for the visa application, I went to the French Embassy and submitted my papers. It went very well, I would say it even exceeded my expectations; people were smiley, friendly and lovely and hopefully will be getting my visa to Spain in a few days. Looking forward to it, as I believe this is the only thing that will take me out of this hectic life I’m living right now.

Was reading on the Forum about racism in Egypt and felt very disappointed about the so many problems that Egypt goes through which are not only political and economical problems but social problems as well. The whole country is going downhill and we don’t have any ideas about when everything will be settled. Yes, it’s a matter of time, and haste makes waste but who has got patience to wait!!!

All kinds of discriminations are now available in Egypt, Muslims vs. Christians, White vs. Black, Poor vs Rich, Salafi vs. Ikhwan, Ikhwan vs. Liberal and educated vs. non-educated. It’s a real mess, and however of my extreme optimism that the future will be better, the view looks cloudy. So many political parties initiated over the past year, so many people fighting for chairs, a lot of debates taking place here and there and at the same time the country is falling down; education system is falling down, medical services system is falling down even the security system is falling down opening a large door for robberies and murders to take place.

People must change themselves, they must CHANGE!!! Mentalities must change; people must understand that to be Good, a change has to happen from the inside to the outside, and as was said by Ghandi long ago “Be the Change that you want to see in the World” therefore we have got to start with ourselves first. We have to believe that!!!

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