Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Here I am :)

Thought several time before taking such step and start having my own blog. I really didn't know what to write and from where to start but I guess will find my way as I'm heading forward.

I'm not very well in expressing myself, or to be honest I don't like to express myself and share my problems with others. I think its the Taurus part of me, that's why sharing my thoughts in the blog might help in relieving  the load off my brain and feel more relaxed.

Life is very hectic nowadays around me, instability at work make my days horrible, however the project is coming to an end but the people managing the project have not got any clue of what the word "Management" means and everyone out-here has completely lost sense of directions. Many bosses running after the same things, getting exhausted at the end of the day without moving a single step forward. This is causing a lot of stress in the workplace. 

Its strange that in Construction industry, dictators are all over the place. Every manager believes only in himself, he won't listen to anybody else but he. He is the only one that has got the knowledge and experience and all the rest of the team has to follow only what he sees right. When its time to blame some one, of course its not the Manager with his brilliant ideas its the team's mistakes as they didn't adhere to what was said by the Boss.

I spend almost 12 hours at work everyday however I don't see any meaning of doing so, just to please the boss and make him happy. Well ... forget it, its not going to get any better unless I change my entire career and do something different. keep working in construction will kill me someday.

Will see how it goes!!!

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