Friday, November 9, 2012

Connected but Alone!!!

Sometimes I really wonder what we’re going to do if we don’t have the high technology which is available nowadays!!!

You browse the internet passing through a lot of contradicting news and unbelievable incidents which you find it difficult to understand sometimes. You look around, read the news, check the social networks and at the end of the day, you feel yourself depressed and frustrated because of what you read which you don’t really know whether its correct or not. Your curiosity of tracing the truth, drives you to spend extra hours, digging into the internet to find out the roots of what you’ve been reading. Everyone now is having an easy access to the internet and he/she can post and advertise to their ideas or products in whichever way they like, it’s like a supermarket where you can sell and buy whatever you want to sell and buy with no limits.

I still remember the old days, where people had very limited options of sharing information and communication, people were very much happier and healthier. When I was 14 years before the internet was born in my city, I used to have Pen-friends, write letters to friends abroad and receive back responses after weeks  and weeks. The day I receive a new letter from a friend abroad, was a very happy day for me, spending the whole day reading the letter again and again, then start of writing the response, sent it and wait for another one to come. The post office guys were always wondering how this little guy is exchanging letters with people from all over the world in his age.

I look at these old letters I have from time to time just to remember those lovely days and its associated feelings. Those feeling have been vanished nowadays, there is no feelings anymore, it is replaced by the smileys and emotions in the social networks. In a few seconds you can contact anybody anywhere in the world. Connected all day to all the social network and however of keeping in touch with almost everyone you know; you feel alone because the well connectivity does not allow us to meet and share life and experience it, it does not allow faces to meet and hands to shake, it just provide you with a live picture and that’s it!!!

Even people who are living together at the same house, they used to exchange messages if they are living in a different rooms rather than walking and talking face to face. People spend more time seating in front of their computers than with their families talking and sharing real life experience. Distance is getting wider between the family members instead of getting closer and that is the root cause of a lot of problems happening in our families. We are all well connected but introvert and alone!!!

My words doesn’t mean that we should go back to the lovely old days!!! Absolutely not, My concern is that we have to utilize the high technology in a way not to affect on our social life, in a way that would keep us close to people we care about, in a way to enhance our life and make it worth living; and not in a way that would keep us connected but alone.

I would really love to disconnect myself from such life for some time, that would be a great experience with a great impact on mind and soul. Update and restart that’s all I need!!!

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