Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sacrifice in Life!!!

In general, I enjoy a lot talking with people having different backgrounds, different cultures and different way of thinking. I like to listen to their thoughts, their experiences in life and their approach in handling their problems and their daily life activities. I would say that listening to people is helping me widen my vision and get to read people's minds in a better and understandable way.

Today morning, I was talking with a work colleague who is over 50 years old, I always enjoy his talks and I enjoy listening to his stories which carries in its lines a lot of life lessons learned.

One of the hot topics of discussions that we were discussing, was "How to find your life partner?!" Well, before proceeding further; the reason I called it a "Hot Topic" is because I hear it a lot around nowadays, specially when people know that I'm still single, they start giving me advises and sharing their views on how happy family can be built, and what can be taken into consideration before making family.

Since sharing means caring, I really appreciate their advises and enjoy listening and learning from their experiences regardless of whether its applicable in my case or not. It means a lot to me when you see people who really care about sharing their own thoughts and experience for the sake of expressing themselves and giving guidance based on their live life experience.

Anyway, the discussion as was started on the above mentioned topic, has ended with a great lesson on how important to sacrifice in life and how precious to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of making other people's life happy. 

A similar example of sacrifice in life was for a friend I met yesterday, whom I haven't met for quite long time; a single mother who has dedicated her life for her kids and her mother; closing the doors in front of anyone trying to approach her and be in her life; this makes her over-stressed sometimes but deep inside you can touch how good person she is with a great sacrifices.

To me, life is not only about expectations, but also about sacrifices. We must give up one thing for another, and somethings are worth giving up for. 

I still remember when my father has left us and I had to take over and look after the family since my mother was not working. My father didn't believe in sacrifices and he preferred to runaway minding his own business rather than looking after a small family like ours which he felt it was overburdening him. However of the consequences of his acts and what could have happened to the family; the family survived and have learned a great lesson of what does the word Sacrifice mean, through sacrificing for each others until we have reached to where we stand right now.

"It's not what we take up, but what we give up that makes us rich" Henry Ward Beecher.

Sacrifice must happen in our lives, sometimes we must sacrifice personal happiness for career success and sometimes we must sacrifice career success for personal happiness. Love might happen once, and we have got to decide whether we want to enjoy the experience or we want to miss it. 

To sacrifice is to love, we must get motivated to sacrifice in all ways if we look for a better tomorrow and we  will see how our sacrifices will make us stronger and happier.

"Only life lived for others is worth living" Albert Einstein

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