Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Moving On!!!

Have been away of the blog for quite some time and I think that after writing this one will disappear again for quite some other time. Preparing myself for the move to Oman, I have already packed my stuff and shipped it to Oman yesterday. The only thing remaining is to ship myself :D and this is going to happen next Friday.

After more than six years in Qatar and more than a year in Bahrain; its time now to explore another Arabian Gulf State ... I hear a lot about how beautiful, genuine and fascinating Oman is, and now I have the chance to see and discover Oman by myself.

Having lived in other gulf countries over the past eight years, will help me a lot to quickly and smoothly settle in Oman. The main difference this time is that I have got to arrange a lot of things by myself however these were already pre-arranged for me by the previous employers in the previous countries. I'm talking about finding a decent accommodation, rent or buy a car and such kind of facilities. I don't really mind doing that on my own, as I have done my researches already and I know from where to start and quite confident that all will go better than expected . Finger Crossed!!!

What would be really important and critical for me is the immigration procedures, the soonest I can get my residence permit done, the soonest I can organize myself and arrange all of the other stuff accordingly, as I won't be able to rent an apartment for example without having a valid residence permit. Usually immigration procedures do not take time, however in this part of the world it depends mainly on how effective the PRO (Public Relation Officer) of the company is, if he is an active guy, it won't take time; but if he is not, it might take ages :D ... Will see how it goes !!!

Lately I feel very happy as I was meeting and greeting a lot of my friends before making the move, and for the first time in my life I feel really touched with their warm feelings and sweet words. I felt loved between them however most of them I only know for quite short time. It has been long time since I felt loved, its a great feeling when you feel that you left a mark on people's hearts that will make you remembered, that is what remains in life!!!

The lesson learned after the time I spent in Bahrain was that good deeds always remain, enjoying people's company, listening to them, sharing happy moment with them, stand by their side if they need a friend or a helping hand, share and care etc. etc. all those are keys to people's hearts and if person's care for sure he/she will find who's willing to share.

What made my days even happier, an internal instinctive feeling, which is growing day after day, its a feeling that person's cannot pretend it, it has to be lived. Its an internal feeling that grows spontaneously and unintentionally when two people are meant to be together and when they meet, an innate sense of pleasure, joy and happiness begins; even if they didn't talk. Nowadays I'm living in that feeling and sometimes it takes me away of any stress or tension I encounter during the day, it even draw a spontaneous smile on my face every now and then and make the people around me wonder sometimes for what reason I'm smiling!!! I really wish to everyone to come across such feelings someday!!! as it would have a great impact on their lives and their prospective in life as well as it will make their lives much happier.

A few days ago I was a few seconds away from death!!! No wonder why!!! here is the scenario, a nice lady driving through a red signal, talking on her mobile at the same time I'm crossing my green signal. If I was a bit slower while crossing the signal, for sure she would have crashed my car and I would have passed away and instead of moving to Oman to start a new life, I was going to be sent to Egypt in a small lovely tomb to be buried. This is life, very short and can go away in just a few seconds, therefore we have got to live it and enjoy it till the last moment. We don't have to waste our lives in such a depressing, frustrating and sad status, we have got to find a way to enjoy it, and if we cannot find a way; then will have to make a new one. 

"Joy is not in things, it is in us" Richard Wagner

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend,
    When a good friend leaves you, it always leaves a hole that takes time to fill up. You left behind you a strange feeling of unfinished, of "I wish we could have more time"... Even if we didn't meet every 2 days, each encounter has been a great pleasure, whether it was just the two of us or with the crowd. I loved our chit chat talks about life in general or ours in particular. It's always great to talk to someone that is able at the same time to have his own opinions but who is open-minded enough to really listen and try to understand others' opinions. In so many discussions, people just nod or they just try to convince they are "more right than you are" without even listening to what you say !
    This is one of the reasons it has always been a great pleasure to spend time with you.
    As far as "tu media naranja" is concerned... Well you know what I think :D
    I wish you a lot of butterflies in the stomach, a lot of love, a fantastic life, much joy and happiness.

    Don't stay away too long though :D

    For the quotes, here's one of my favorites :
    “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
    Love like you'll never be hurt,
    Sing like there's nobody listening,
    And live like it's heaven on earth.”
    William W. Purkey
