Sunday, October 20, 2013

I'm Back!!!

Finally made it through all the depression and frustration I went through over the past few months and finally found my way back to Abdalla whom I know and who was missing his way and at a moment felt as life is coming to an end. It has been a very difficult experience but that’s how we learn and that's how we gain wisdom in life.

Over the past two months I have been planning for my upcoming holidays in October, the first plan was to go to the United States to catch up with friends of mine who are living there, I was very enthusiastic about the trip since it was going to be my first visit to the American continent; but my plans went away as my hosting friend had some family commitments and was not going to make it with me as we planned. The time was running fast before the holidays and I had to start thinking about plan “B” to secure a flight ticket at the earliest with a reasonable price. I was confused between Philippines with its beautiful islands and fascinating nature; and South Korea as a fantastic autumn destination. After checking all the possibilities, the decision was made to visit South Korea since I haven’t to the Korean peninsula before.

I have started preparing myself for the trip, got my travel guide, collected all possible information from the internet on places to visit and things to do and made all the necessary bookings for my accommodations.

In the beginning I thought it’s going to be an ordinary trip, since I have been to a lot of Asian countries, I thought that going to South Korea will be quite similar to what I have seen in my earlier visits to other Asian destinations; but this perspective has totally changed once I landed there.

The people were very friendly, the country is very beautiful and they have got a fantastic cuisine which have been a real surprise for me. I did a lot of hiking, I met some nice friends in one of my hiking trips and we had a memorable time.

All in all, the trip went perfect and it has exceeded my expectations, I came back home happy that I made it to South Korea and wondering when is the next visit is going to be as there is a big part of the country which I need to explore. While I was planning my trip I liked “Korea - Be Inspired” page on Facebook to get some feedback on what to do while I’m in Korea and after coming back I feel really inspired by the people, the way they live their lives and the way they approach life, be self contented and happy; and by the nature and how beautiful and fantastic the sceneries were.

Now I’m back again to reality with super charged batteries of self content, optimism, happiness and high self-esteem; looking forward for my next exploration trip and wondering on what the destination will be, but till then I have got to work for some time and focus on my days here in Muscat which in fact is getting better than it was before, and having some nice friends around me has helped me a lot to feel more attached to the place and enjoy my time; that’s what I was missing before ... Now I think I’m on the right path!

Happy to be back :)