Saturday, April 13, 2013

Wadi Tiwi_20130412

However I have been to this Wadi before, but this time was quite different as I managed to see the part of the Wadi that I haven't seen it in my first visit which was quite pleasing and interesting.

Also before we reach to Wadi Tiwi, we passed by the Sink Hole which was impressive.

Nature keeps impressing us with its beauty.

Wadi Bani Khalid_20130411

Wadi Bani Khalid is one of Oman's most beautiful wadis, however its quite far from Muscat, but its certainly worth visiting.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Trip to Jebel Al Akhdar_April 2013

Last weekend I went with a group of people to a place called “Jebel Al Akhdar” the word Jebel Al Akhdar is an Arabic translation to the Green Mountain. 

Jebel Al Akhdar is one of Oman’s most spectacular areas and is very famous for its traditional rose water extraction and agricultural products like Pomegranate, Apricot, Peach and Walnut.

It was a lovely day and I had a good opportunity to meet some cool people, here below are some of the picture taken during the day trip.